About Us

About Us

WECHS was established during the year 1979 in order to provide a centrally located residential place to Wapda Employees with all required facilities. On the pressing demand of employees for allotment of plots, WECHS decided to launch Phase-II during 1984-1985 and further it was extended as Phase-I Extension during the year 1997. Development work of Phase-I has almost completed the except commercial area. Whereas, Phase-II and Phase-I Extension still require development of commercial areas, school and dispensary, masajid and parks, green belts etc.

WECHS is providing services to the residents to its maximum level and the same can be further improved through engagement of more professional staff and modern equipment/machines with dedicated and sincere efforts of employees and shareholders can take the society at a highest level and for that very purpose, the best societies established in the surrounding of Lahore can be taken as a bench mark.